Hello, Wonderful People! I'm Marzi, and I'm excited to share my journey with you.

Through Marzi's Garden, My life has been an adventure of growth and discovery, leading me to the enchanting world I've created here in the San Francisco Bay Area.

“ You never forget a beautiful thing that you have made…
Even after you eat it, it stays with you – always.

Julia Child

About Marzi

My life has been an adventure of growth and discovery, leading me to the enchanting world I’ve created here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’m a dedicated gardener, finding joy in nurturing various plants that I use in home remedies, grow for their beautiful flowers, and harvest for their delicious fruits. This connection with nature is my passion, and it has led me to exciting places. In my garden, you’ll find not only plants but also the friendly presence of my chickens and quails, who are my delightful companions on this journey. Alongside them, I’m a proud caretaker of three lovable dogs, and yes, I’m a beekeeper too, tending to the wonderful world of bees. 

My garden has witnessed countless adventures, from rescuing wild animals to giving a loving home to those in need. Every day is a new discovery, and I’m thrilled to share these experiences with you. As a gardener, I’ve embraced the art of creating recipes from the bounties of my harvest. From fruits to herbs, everything finds its place in my kitchen, resulting in dishes that celebrate the freshness of the earth. 

I’ve even compiled my favorite passion fruit recipes, inspired by the fruit I cultivate in my garden, into a recipe book that’s close to my heart. At Marzi’s Garden, I’m not only sharing recipes but also capturing the beauty of nature through photography. I’ll be giving you tips and tricks, sharing my favorite gardening products, and offering recommendations based on my hands-on experience. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Let’s explore, learn, and celebrate the wonders of nature together

Hi, my name is Marzi. If you are here, it means that you either LOVE passion fruits or you are just curious. I have grown passion fruits for some years now and my passion for this exotic fruit inspired me to make 50 creative recipes for desserts, sweets, savories, snacks and sauces, all made with my homegrown passion fruits.

My Latest Cookbook

I tried to make the recipes simple and vegan friendly. I also used raw honey from my own apiary in all recipes except one.

Inside you will find recipes such as:

  • Passion fruit carob mousse cake
  • Passion fruit coconut patties
  • Passion fruit avocado caviar lime
  • Passion fruit vegan cheese
  • passion fruit salmon tartare

And so much more!

I have also shared some cool photos of my garden, my pets and flowers between my recipes. I hope you enjoy them all alongside my recipes.


Never Miss a Recipe!

Copyright © 2023 Marzi's Garden.
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Order my Passion Fruit Recipe Book here